Sunday 19 May 2013

18 May 2013 Lighting Material

Today, I go to sim lim square second time. I go there saw the materials of the lamp.
I saw many different kinds of lamps, each lamp has a different effect.
It's because I don't know about the kinds of lamp and how to weld them together.
Then, I consulted with many store clerk. We discuss how can I design my lamp and use which kind of lamp.

These are the Led Lighting that assistant introduce to me:
These led lighting can use in my design.

This type lamp is relatively large and bright

I also research some Led Clock may use in my design. 

These are different kinds of Led in a shop .

The types of light bulb are really too much choice. these are my pictures take in shops. I could use these kinds of light bulbs.

Shop assistant showed to me many kinds of small LED Lighting. Different brightness and different size, also have different functions.

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